SORM Creates Risk Management Guidelines Advisory Council

Under new Section 412.013, Labor Code, SORM is required to biennially review the Risk Management For Texas State Agencies (RMTSA) Guidelines to determine if they are appropriate and current.

Staff reviewed the structure and content of the current RMTSA Guidelines with the intent to present them in a more user friendly format and to update them to include industry best practices and current law. As our biennial review continues, we are establishing a Risk Management Guidelines Advisory Council to meet monthly as a formal collaboration group to focus on this effort. We invite risk managers from other state entities to share their expertise and help us finalize a draft of updated guidelines no later than June 2021. A sample table of contents provides an overview of the sections and chapters.

Chief of Strategic Programs, James Cox, will lead the council and serve a primary point of contact for this project. If you are interested in participating on the Risk Management Guidelines Advisory Council, please contact Mr. Cox by September 30, 2020. An announcement and introduction of members will be shared with the council during the first meeting, tentatively scheduled for October.