All Eyes on 2018 Hurricane Season

All Eyes on 2018 Hurricane Season

The 2018 Atlantic hurricane season is upon us and the State Office of Risk Management is putting together some resources to help state agencies and institutions develop procedures to recover quickly and resume normal business in the event of a hurricane.  The 2018 hurricane season officially began June 1, 2018, and runs through November 30, 2018.


2017 Hurricane Harvey


SORM has Weather Resources available including  “How to Weather a Hurricane,” which contains the following hurricane preparedness information you can use to protect your assets:

  • Seasonal predictions
  • Steps to take during a hurricane watch
  • Steps to take during a hurricane warning
  • Tips for claims filing should a hurricane head your way
  • Post-Storm tips


According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the 2018 forecast indicates that a near- or above-normal hurricane season is most likely. The first named tropical storm of the season, Tropical Storm Alberto, already formed on May 25, 2018 off the Yucatan Peninsula, one week prior to the official start to the hurricane season. NOAA’s outlook predicts a 35% chance for an above-normal season, a 40% chance for a near-normal season, and a 25% chance for a below-normal season.

For more information from NOAA, view their recent media release on the 2018 Atlantic hurricane season. You can also find NOAA definitions for explanations of above-, near-, and below-normal seasons.

Should you have any questions about the property program and protecting your state agency or institution, you can contact your SORM insurance manager.