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Continuity of Operations Planning

COOP programs and planning ensure the most critical government functions continue to be available to Texas citizens under any conditions. Recent worldwide and Texas emergencies reinforced the need for continuity of operations and brought greater attention to the importance of being prepared. The Continuity of Operations (COOP) Program at SORM provides leadership, guidance, resources, and education to statewide continuity coordinators, risk managers, and other continuity practitioners to support state agency efforts to protect the state’s citizens and property, ensure economic safety, and provide vital information and essential services. We welcome you to the continuity community.

Exercise Review and Reports

The State Office of Risk Management aids other state agencies in developing COOP Programs through the review of COOP Plans and Exercises on a regular basis. Agencies may use the resources provided to guide the creation of their COOP Plan and seek guidance from SORM should questions arise. Plans and Exercises submitted through the email below will be reviewed and returned within ten business days. Agencies are encouraged to submit their COOP Plan every two years, and their Exercise every alternating year.

Submitting Your Plan

Plans and exercise reviews should be submitted to SORM electronically as an email attachment to

Planning Resources

Continuity Template and Toolbox

Personal Preparedness

Legal Sources
COOP Agency Requirement and Confidentiality
Texas Labor Code 412.054
Texas Government Code 552.156
Additional IT Requirements
Texas Administrative Code, Rule 202.24

FEMA Continuity Training Classes

Course schedule and class availability is provided at the bottom of each linked page in the lists below. See the full Texas Division of Emergency Management’s website for all course offerings:

FEMA Classes